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At Camp Gavra we start the day the Torah way! Our boys flood into the Beis every morning for an all engaging morning seder where we encourage every boy to take part in the sugya which we will be learning during the summer. The goal is to get the boys to see the depth and "Geshmak" that you can get from focusing on pshat gemara Rashi (and a few more basic rishonim) from a sugya when approached properly. With Mareh Mekomos, Yeshiva Bochrim and of course some delicious refreshments, our boys have the perfect start to their Gavra day.

The powerful seder is followed by Gavra's secret weapon- Rabbi Saffer himself. The interactive shiur led by Rabbi Saffer is one of the camp highlights. With his all engaging  humor, Rabbi Saffer challenges them to think and introduces them to the world of lomdus in a fun and entertaining way.

After shiur we are ready to unwind with the day's activity.

Our daily activities range from paintball to karting, aqua kef, abuvim, paintball, bowling, baseball, swimming, beach volleyball, intercamp games with NCSY Kollel, and the boys always have a blast!

After arriving back in Bet Shemesh, the boys have some (little!) time to recover and then have the option to join Gavra for some sports. 

After sweating out on the courts, this year, we welcome the boys to take part in our new and exciting night program.

Here the boys have the opportunity to relax and get inspired, spending some real quality time with their madrichim. Not too mention all the while eating endless amounts if delicious food.

Apart from the regular schedule, we will be running a 3 day Shabbaton as well an overnight tiyul up north.

We believe strongly that our teenage boys of Ramat Beit Shemesh desperately need a good summer experience that will take them in to the next Zman feeling trully fullfilled and full of positive energy that can last them throughout the entire year.

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